
Henson-Sentry is a library that helps to easily incorporate logging to Sentry into a Henson application.


Henson-Sentry can be installed with:

$ python -m pip install Henson-Sentry


The following configuration settings can be added to the application.

SENTRY_DSN The data source name used to identify that Sentry instance to which to send the logs. If no value is provided, Sentry will be disabled.
RAVEN_IGNORE_EXCEPTIONS Exception types that will be ignored when sending exceptions to Sentry.
SENTRY_AUTO_LOG_STACKS Whether or not to automatically log full stack traces. Default: False
SENTRY_EXCLUDE_PATHS Module prefixes that will be ignored when attempting to discover from which function the exception originated. Default: ()
SENTRY_INCLUDE_PATHS Module prefixes that will be included when attempting to discover from which function the exception originated. Default ()
SENTRY_MAX_LENGTH_LIST The maximum number of items a list-like container will store. Default 50
SENTRY_MAX_LENGTH_STRING The maximum number of characters of a string that will be stored. Default 400
SENTRY_NAME The name to use to identify the application. If no value is provided, the application’s name will be used.
SENTRY_PROCESSORS A list of processors to apply to events before sending them to Sentry.
SENTRY_RELEASE The version of the application. Default None
SENTRY_SITE_NAME The name used to identify the client. Default None
SENTRY_TAGS A mapping of key-value pairs that will be associated with all events. Default None
SENTRY_TRANSPORT The HTTP transport class that will be used to transmit events. Default AioHttpTransport


from henson import Application
from henson_sentry import Sentry

app = Application('application-with-sentry')
app.settings['SENTRY_DSN'] = 'https://******@app.getsentry.com/1234'



Indices and tables